Commandline tool

This page explains how to use the SuperElastix executable. The executable of the latest release can be downloaded from GitHub releases. Or, if SuperElastix was build from sources, it can be found at:

  • Windows: <build-path>\Applications-build\CommandLineInterface\[Release|Debug]\
  • Linux: <build-path>/Applications-build/CommandLineInterface/

By calling SuperElastix --help its options are shown.

Allowed options:
  --help                produce help message
  --conf arg            Configuration file: single or multiple Blueprints
  --in arg              Input data: images, labels, meshes, etc. Usage arg:
                        <name>=<path> (or multiple pairs)
  --out arg             Output data: images, labels, meshes, etc. Usage arg:
                        <name>=<path> (or multiple pairs)
  --graphout arg        Output Graphviz dot file
  --logfile arg         Log output file
  --loglevel arg        Log level [off|critical|error|warning|info|debug|trace]

The file format of a Blueprint is described in Configuring the Network: Blueprints, where the <name>-s of the --in and --out arguments must correspond to the sinking and sourcing component identifier names as defined in the Blueprint, respectively.

Demo Experiments

To get started on how to invoke the SuperElastix executable we set up a few scripts that run demo registrations. These four scripts run the demo experiments as described in [1]:

  • 1A_SuperElastix_elastix_NC
  • 1B_SuperElastix_elastix_MSD
  • 2A_SuperElastix_itkv4_NC
  • 2B_SuperElastix_itkv4_MSD
[1]The design of SuperElastix - a unifying framework for a wide range of image registration methodologies, F. Berendsen, K. Marstal, S. Klein and M. Staring, found at <source-path>\Documentation\source\paperWBIR16.

The bash (linux) or batch (windows) scripts are bundled in the release download. Or, if SuperElastix was build from sources, follow these instructions to setup the scripts:

  • Windows:
    • open <build-path>\Applications-build\SuperElastixApplications.sln
    • in project solution explorer right-click on Demo -> Project Only -> Build Only Demo
  • Linux:
    • change dir to <build-path>/Applications-build/
    • make demo

By building the demo target the SuperElastix executable, image data, configuration files and commandline scripts will be copied to the <DEMO_PREFIX> directory. The <DEMO_PREFIX> can be set by CMake and defaults to <build-path>/SuperElastixApplications-build/Demo.